Startion is looking for a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)! Startion is an innovative music industry tech startup specializing in the digitalization of concert organization and improving […]
We had an inspiring experience in Milan at the Linecheck IT cinference which also served as the opening event for the Music Tech Europe Academy! The […]
A stageplot is a crucial document that ensures a smooth and professional live performance. It’s the blueprint for your stage setup, helping technicians and crew understand […]
A Hungarian startup is among the winners of the Hub for the Exchange of Music Innovation (HEMI) incubator program, which supports the most promising music industry […]
Magyar nyertese is van a legígéretesebb zeneipari innovációk fejlesztésével foglalkozó Hub for the Exchange of Music Innovation (HEMI) zeneipari inkubációs programnak. Október 18-án került kihirdetésre, hogy […]
We are thrilled to announce our participation in the Design Terminal incubation program, the Mentor Program, where we will be working on the development of our […]
For many beginner bands, the concept of a rider can feel overwhelming or unnecessary. However, a well-prepared rider is an essential tool for smooth performances and […]